Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall Break!!!

Fall break finally I'm really excited its Friday and the last day of school before fall break! I'm actually not doing anything really exciting but I think I'm just really ready to be able to sleep in and relax. I do think that me and a few of my friends are going to go to the apple fest at Reid's Orchard and go through the maze and do some different activities there and Me and my boyfriend and a few or his friends are planning on going to the haunted houses in Evansville. I'm really excited to go to Reid's Orchard I've never been to the apple fest and I've herd that the maze is alot of fun but I'm not sure because I've never been so I'm really pumped to see how it goes. This fall break I'm going to make it one of my goals to not get up before 8am every morning i really want to relax and i think that might be my favorite part, sleeping in always makes me feel a whole lot better the next day. I'm also going to make sure I clean my room and my car out extremely good and get all my school stuff organized because that always makes me feel like I've got something accomplished. Its amazing how fast the first nine weeks of school has just flown by and I only have 3 nine weeks to go until graduation!!!

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