Monday, February 15, 2010

How much School are we going To miss!!!!

This snow is getting out of hand and we are missing way to many days of school. It is my senior year so I guess im not as worried because after this year I wont have to go to high school anymore but I really wish we would stop missing school because I don't want to be going to school in June. I'm pretty sure that we are very close or already into June. As much as I am ready for summer I'm not ready to spend any of my summer time in school and it is going to stink being inside all day with it being so pretty outside in June. Plus I hate school in the warmer months because its absolutely freezing in school and I cant stand that it makes me feel like I'm sick or something. The bad part is a lot of time we miss school for like hardly nothing on the ground and everyone is out doing their own thing shopping, hanging out with friends, or just whatever it may be. The roads don't even seem bad and we miss school for nothing it seems like. One day last week I drove to Stanley and the roads were not even bad so I do not understand why we get out of school. My whole concern is going to school in the summer :( Well hopefully we'll be back to school tomorrow and this will be the end of snow days so that we wont have to go to school any long than we already do!!

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