Monday, February 15, 2010

I am So Ready For SUMMER!!!!

This past Saturday was softball sign-ups now the snow is coming down just two days after sign-ups, it just makes me so anxious for winter to be over and summer to be here! I really am getting tired of the snow. I just can not wait for sunshine, sandals, seashells at the beach, and of course soft ball! This week I also got a forty percent off coupon to American Eagle and I got a new summer dress and a new pair of shorts so I am very excited for summer to be here. I love to layout and go swimming, I haven't really been to the tanning bed in quite awhile because I'm trying not to go to the tanning bed as much since I know that it is bad for your skin but it would be a lot better if we had some sun and not so much snow so that i could at least have a little color. My most favorite thing about summer has to be playing softball I play for the county and I'm on Sorgho's team. I have been playing for the same team every since I can remember and usually it's the highlight of my summer because it keeps me busy, I make friends, and its a blast! So I'm looking forward to softball more than anything this summer.

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