Monday, November 30, 2009

Decorating the Christmas tree!!

Every year my most favorite part about Christmas is decorating the Christmas tree with my brother and my mom we usually all three do it together, that would be the reason I'm up so late is because I just finished helping mom and we had a blast! We made some hot chocolate with marsh mellows, listen to Christmas carols and when we got all done we took some pictures and then said our prayers and my brother went to bed and so did mom. It took us about a good two and a half hours because we took a break here and there to rest but it was really fun I just love trying to get all of the ornaments in the right places and helping mom fan the branches just right! Shopping for all the family is great fun especially when you know you've found just the right gift to make some one happy but it can get a little stressful with not allot of time and long lines everywhere putting up the house decorations outside just isn't my thing either because I cant stand to be so cold for along period of time, I do like to rap presents but its just not as easy and fun as decorating the tree.. therefore decorating the Christmas tree with mom and my little brother is my favorite thing about getting in the Christmas spirit because we get quality time together and its not stressful at all!  

1 comment:

  1. I love decorating our trip, too! It just makes the house seem warmer, cozier, and more beautfiul!
