Monday, November 30, 2009


Snow is absolutely great i love to play in the snow because it can be so much fun and i really enjoy it whenever everyone gets together to ride fore wheelers and pull each other on a sled in the sleigh. Sometimes its great to just sit by the window or next to the door with family and drink hot chocolate and just watch the snow fall. If it weren't for snow id really rather just get rid or winter because I'm a big baby about how cold it gets and getting out in it unless of course there is snow on the ground because then I can just have tons of fun! I love Christmas and everything i just don't enjoys freezing every time i go outside and if I have school I'm stuck carrying my coat around all day and thats just annoying. Another thing I love about the snow is whenever its like the third or forth snow mom always lets me and my brother make some snow ice cream we use milk and some vanilla flavoring and a little splenda and its very good i would rather have it than regular ice cream! Well that pretty much sums it up about how i absolutely love the snow and I'm hoping that we get some soon!!! 

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