Thursday, September 17, 2009


Life without potatoes would be absolutely crazy no french fries, no chip, no baked potatoes, and no mashed potatoes. That's not counting all the things we used potatoes for and all the things we cook with potatoes. Although without potatoes it would probably be allot more healthier because potatoes are just starch and to much starchy foods can add on pounds quickly, but i love potatoes and not to mention my mom makes the best mashed potatoes in the world they're like perfect with no little clumps in them or anything they're like perfectly smooth and really buttery and salty and just perfect! I love mashed potato's it probably like my favorite vegetable in the world. I'm not a very big potato chip person the only kind of chips i like are like Doritos or Cheetos but i don't like to eat the chip i just like the cheese on the outside. So, basically life without chips might be a little more healthier for us but it would still be very different and we would be missing out on allot of great foods!

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