Monday, December 14, 2009


This year is the first time I have ever blogged before and at first i thought it was going to be lots of hard work and just annoying but really when you get to write about things in your life or things your interested in its really not all that bad! I actually enjoy blogging I'm sure if I continued to blog for another couple of years it would be very neat to go back and see what I said about thing and to see how much I have changed over the years. Blogging really should be required throughout all of Elementary, middle, and high school. It would be really cool to go back and see what all I said about things in the past and its also an easy way to access them all at once. I was required to do portfolios in the past but those were not monthly and not every year and they also were not always what I wanted to write about either. If blogging were required not only would it show us how much our thoughts and beliefs about things have changed but it would also be very memorable to see what we said in the past and see how our writing has also changed over the years! I really like to blog!

Pictures :)

One of my favorite hobbies is taking pictures. Pictures can last a lifetime and they can show many long memories of amazing times. I love taking pictures at family events or whenever me and my friends get together to do things. I usually just put my pictures in a album and label what each albums pictures are of. I wish I could have the patience to scrap book because I think that kind of thing is very special and very neat. I'm not really all that creative and I just stay way to busy to have the patience and time to scrap book, with me being so busy I'd never get finished. I still continue to take pictures though because even though I don't scrap book I still think that they are very special. I love taking silly pictures with my granny especially because they are really funny memories every time I get them out and I show them to her we always laugh. I also just love to take lots of pictures with family in general! One other thing that I enjoy taking pictures of is the outdoors! When the Ice storm hit last year you better believe i got lots of pictures. Outdoor disasters are things that will probably never happen again the way they do the first time such as the Ice Storm and all the fun me and my boyfriend and my little brother had playing in it! I also have taking pictures when we've gotten lots of snow, or really bad storms with damage! Pictures are just great and I think that everyone should make sure that they take plenty of pictures throughout each year of their lifetime.

Schedule Change!!!

Next semester I'm looking forward to the new schedule that I'm getting. I'm taking college algebra and English 102 and the only way I could take college algebra was in the morning, so I will have my college classes in the morning and I will be at Apollo at 11:30 for the last two classes instead of having three classes in the morning at Apollo and college in the afternoon. I'm excited because I love change in my schedule and I get to keep all my same teachers for my required subjects at Apollo, they are just going to be different periods of the day. Now this means I will have a little more time to sleep because my college classes will not start until 9 and 9:30 which gives me close to an extra hr. Now any time I am scheduled on a Friday to work at 2 they have been very understanding because of the fact that I am going to school they are going to let me come in a little late, around 345 because now with those college classes in the morning I will be at Apollo till 3:15 instead of 1:39. I really do love change I guess because I get tired of doing the same things day after day. After awhile it gets very boring and it will feel good to get into a new routine, so I believe everything is going to work out and for the best!


I'm almost eighteen, my birthday is two days after Christmas! My senior yr. is halfway over and the next half is going to fly by! This yr. I feel like i have gotten a whole lot smarter and prepared for my future already! Maybe its just because I'm getting older and i realize the importance of my future and i can honestly say I've tried a lot harder this year then all the years in the past. I also finished my first two college classes with high B's and like just a few points away from A's but i was still satisfied because I was worth it and much harder than my classes in high school just because i wasn't used to having to study the way i had to for these classes. This year i also feel like i have my priorities straight, on the week nights i tend to study and make sure my homework is finished instead of going to my friends or doing things that waste my time, and on the weekend I work hard and i still make sure that i get my homework or any studying i need to do done instead of just forgetting about it and going to bed! So senior year is almost over and i can truly say that i actually feel like i have gotten much more smarter in many way, such as more knowledgeable and making good choices!


If I could change one thing about the way most cars work it would be to.... lock and unlock them all with touch pads of a finger print or a code and I know that some are like this but not all!! Including my car last week was very stressful getting ready for finals this week and college finals were also last week. Plus i had some make up work from being out of school and with all the stress i tend to get into a hurry and I happened to lock my keys in my car from getting in a big hurry twice in a week and three days! It just seems to me that things would be a lot easier to operated if we could unlock and lock our cars with some sort of a touch pad! So for the future I will be sure my next car has a touch pad to unlock my car whenever this happens and until then I'm going to have to give every effort to just be as organized and stress free as I can be and take everything as it comes hopefully it doesn't happen again!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Wishes!!!

This year everyone has been asking what I want for Christmas and i just cant think of anything that I really need and that I really want I just dont know! I'm an easy person to please and everyone knows that in my family I'm always happy to get whatever I get. As long as I get to spend time with family and everyone else is happy that is really all that matters to me! There has been years that I have asked for specific gifts and I usually get them but sometime i just like to just see what i get instead of telling people what I would like. Christmas isn't just about gifts and sometimes I think that it might be a little more meaningful of the birth of Jesus if our family didn't do gifts until the kids in the family were all old enough to understand. Anyways I don't have any specific wishes this year for Christmas just that everyone has a good day and everyone stays safe and happy!!! I'm looking forward to the day Christmas is my favorite holiday :)