Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Wishes!!!

This year everyone has been asking what I want for Christmas and i just cant think of anything that I really need and that I really want I just dont know! I'm an easy person to please and everyone knows that in my family I'm always happy to get whatever I get. As long as I get to spend time with family and everyone else is happy that is really all that matters to me! There has been years that I have asked for specific gifts and I usually get them but sometime i just like to just see what i get instead of telling people what I would like. Christmas isn't just about gifts and sometimes I think that it might be a little more meaningful of the birth of Jesus if our family didn't do gifts until the kids in the family were all old enough to understand. Anyways I don't have any specific wishes this year for Christmas just that everyone has a good day and everyone stays safe and happy!!! I'm looking forward to the day Christmas is my favorite holiday :)

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