Thursday, March 25, 2010


I think that the reason that so many kids hate to read is because in elementary school we were forced to read for A.R points and we had to read certain books according to our reading level and sometimes it was hard to find books in your level that you like. So when kids get older they just think that they hate reading but really as I've gotten older and I'm in high school and I can read whatever I want I have learned to like it. I like to read things like fashion magazines, books with easy to read bible verses or stories, health books, and books that are inspiring such as the book I got my mom for Valentines Day "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff." I only like to ready book that have true stories or stories that could pertain to my own life and it could really happen. I really do like to read now that I get to make the decision of what I want to read. Reading really does help my vocabulary and make me smarter I do believe. Many teachers and adults have always tried to tell me this but I never believed them until i got a little older and a little more mature. Now I realize how important it is to read and how often I use reading.

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