Sunday, January 31, 2010

Table time!!!

I think that its very important that a family sits down at the table together for supper on most nights of the week. If a family cannot make time to do this I believe that a family should sit down at the table about 3 times a week for game time. My family doesn't always make time to do this but my boyfriends family does and I think that it is very nice and it brings everyone a lot closer. On the weekend I often join them in a game of domino's which is so much fun because me and his mother always try to beat him and his dad. They also usually say grace together and eat supper together at the table and everyone gets to talk and say how their day went and what they have going on for the week. This is something that I wish that my family did more often and one day I most defiantly would like to make it a routine thing in my house with my kids and husband. I just think that it makes everyone closer and keeps good values such as prayers going on throughout the family and everyone gets to help clean up afterwards and thats the way that I think it should be its not all the moms job, moms have busy lives too!!! Table time is a must for a family! 

Health...what to eat and what not to eat???

Whats bad for us and whats not? At one time experts said that diet cokes were better for you than regular, splenda was much better for you than real sugar, 2% milk was better than whole milk, and fat free butter was better for you than real butter. Now you hear that all the healthy food is just making us crave more of the food that is bad for you and etc. but really I never actually hear a real solution to all this and the reasons behind it all. If I wanted to know I guess that I could look it up to see what experts have to say, but not everyone has access to do that and doctors always talk about how important it is to eat healthy and how the obesity rate is going up but do they really advertises the right foods to eat and the reason that some healthy foods are not as good as they once said.....not that often. I'm sure that many people today are unsure of whats good and whats bad. I personally like to use splenda in my food instead of sugar because it taste just as good and it has less calories but does it make me crave more foods that have real sugar in it? Who knows??? Doctors or experts in this field should do more research and more advertising of the right foods.   


I love my new Ipod that I got for Christmas because Its much easier to keep up with than a bunch of Cd's in my car. I also feel that its a lot less distracting when I don't have to take Cd's out and put new Cd's in while I'm trying to drive. Another reason that I really enjoy having an Ipod is because when I got to work out I can run much faster than when I don't have any music to listen to and I don't have anything to keep my mind off of running. When I listen to music it takes my mind off of how much I don't want to run or how tired I am so it really does help me. It is also very convenient for things like long trips because some people find music a distraction when driving on unfamiliar roads and when you like music that isn't everyone's style you can still listen to your music and keep it to yourself. Its amazing how far along technology has come today, I love having my Ipod.  

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I absolutly love my sleep I cant live without it! I like to get anywhere between 8 and 10 hours of sleep every night. If I dont get enough sleep its is usually becuase of school work or hanging out with family and friends which i should probably substitute for getting a head start on my homework sometimes. The problem is that whenever you get out of school it is just a big bummer to go home and immediatly work on more school work and then by that time its getting dark outside this time of year and you are getting tierd and you really dont even feel like hanging out with anyone its like your whole intire day has gone to school! If i dont get sleep then I cannot function the next day, and I am usually in a very bad mood as well if i dont get enough sleep. Most kids stay up very late on the weekends but im the type that I like to get my sleep even if im having fun i like to get home in time to get plenty of rest and if i dont then you can expect me to be sleeping in the next morning. I love sleep and im headed to bed now!!! :)

What Would a Dog advice about in life?

A dog would probably just say that as long as you do as your told then you'll always get treated and anytime someone special is trying to talk to you just listen and look at them and then they'll love you to death. Maybe not all dogs would say this but my dog would! We always give her treats whenever she obeys our commands like sit, lay, speak and etc. and she always just looks up at me when I talk to her and she listens to me and she never argues with anything I've got to say and I just love her to death! She is the greatest dog in the world and she loves kids and she loves to just run around in the backyard and have fun racing up and down the fence with the dog on the other side! She is only about 4 years old, her name is Chessy and we got her whenever our first dog that we had from when I was younger died. Chessy would really not say a whole lot more on life except if you want to be treated to as you are told and listen and don't argue with your loved ones that talk to you.

Senior Year is getting Harder real fast!!!

This year as a senior i really felt that I had learned to be more prepared, organized, and responsible and I have but I'm really getting worn out and I'm tired of homework, test, and filling a scholarship applications! I know that these things have got to be done so of course i keep on doing it all but my gosh it seems as if its a never ending process. Its like its always something and it never ends. I'm ready for summer and for high school to be over with it's just getting stressful i guess you could say. FAFSA itself is very stressful i found that it can be much more complicated than it sounds like and most likely I need someone to sit with me and guide me through it because every time i try to I always find where i made a mistake. Maybe I just have a small case of senoritas but I'm pushing my way past it and staying on track and making sure I still try my best even though things can be tough I'd hate to no make good grades now, my senior year. So, i just try to remind me as times get stressful heading towards the end of high school that its almost over and I'm going to miss these last four years at Apollo.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

History of Family and Friends!!!

It's very important to know your family's past history. I believe almost every family has some sort of problems in their house hold, whether its health, divorce, abuse and ect. We've all faced hard times but I always thought that my granny and all her sisters and brothers were just so perfect and had a wonderful life until my mom told me what they went through growing up and some of the things that they have faced as they got older. My family is fortunate to all be healthy but my parents are divorced for not so good reasons, my brother had a serious head injury his 3rd or 4th grade yr, my biological father I have never met and maybe that gets half of it. Although these struggles seem harsh I've made it through each and every one of them my step dad has been my dad since i was three and absolutely the greatest, my brother was okay, and my parents are learning to be friends after two years of divorce. The point is that I have learned from all the things I have been through that I hope not to face when I get older. My granny's history...with eight brothers and sisters, It went on and on It was interesting to hear though they are all great people and I love them all but man they have really been through some tough stuff and a few of them have made some major mistakes that I would have never dreamed of but I learn from it all!!!! My mom also told me a little about her life when she and my uncle were growing up and It was really a story that Id never herd before and I never thought would be true. You just have to realize as a young adult that when times get hard to learn from all you go through for your future. My Aunt faces some of the same struggles my mom went through. My Aunts only 21 and has a baby and she struggles with how is she going to go to college, afford bills, work, and stuff. I tell her over and over that if she doesn't fix things now that thing will be harder and that she should have learned from my mom but It's hard when your in the position as she says! Now as for friend history I have seen so many kids being sent to a different school or suspended for things that are so dumb and for things that they really shouldn't be doing, its all about who you hang around with and how easy you are influenced.  So hopefully with the help of knowing all the family and friends history and what all they have been through I can steer myself clear from those kinds of situations and make things a little more easier on myself! 

Life Just Is'nt Fair but I was Lucky!

This morning I woke up and hour early to go work out at Atlantis as I was on my way home to get a shower at about 7a.m it was raining. I had just gotten my car fixed, the back door on my passenger side had been backed into about six months ago which cost me about $250 and it had now been fixed for about three months so I always try to be as careful as I can on the road. I was going through the intersection with the green light on Carter and the car coming from the other direction decided they could zip right through and turn on to Tamarack so I immediately slammed on my breaks and held down the horn! Then speed limit on Carter is 45 so i was going about 42 a little slower than 45 because it was slightly raining. As i was hit it sounded like a mirror was breaking and I stopped to thank god that I was okay and the other driver nor the other driver was hurt. Then I looked back at the car and noticed it was not turning around or stopping at all, because of traffic I had to pull around to the Shell Station and the car was gone. I was unable to get a license number or remember anything at all except that the car was small and a hunter green color. I had to call and report a hit and run! There was nothing they could do except be on the look out and now i had no headlight wires hanging out of the front of my car and somehow those wires connect to my tail lights which were now out on the right side. So I was very fortunate to be okay and so was the other driver and I was most very lucky because someone could have been truly hurt! But on the other hand it's just not fair that there is nothing they could do no camera could see the luck finding a car after they searched all this only meant that I was out more money and that for now on I'm not only careful on the road I learned to pay more attention to the other driver as well! Life isn't fair but I was lucky!!!  

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Color is a very important in today's society many things are based on color if we didn't have color what would the world be like? Many things are naturally learned as a child based on colors. As a child we automatically know that the sky is blue, apples are red, birds are black, trees are green, and I could go on and on forever. Ok so the sky's not always blue and birds are not always black but that would be the way we naturally color them as a child. Color also can tell alot about a person some one who always wears very bright colors might be very out going and some one who wears alot of black, gray and white might not be as out going. I'm not very big on art and I'm not very creative but I like to try to be and my whole point of writing this is what would the world be like if we didn't have any color to our world and everything was black and white? When we went outside or inside our houses everything was black and white? I couldn't imagine...I think it would be very depressing and boring. Statistics also show that color has a lot to do with a persons mood change the color orange for some reason is supposed to make a person happy! When we get dressed in the morning we might pick out a color of shirt that we like, when you buy a vehicle most of the time there is a preference of what color fits you, and so on. I just thinks its interesting to think about how much color is involved in our everyday life!!!!


My personal opinion on superstitions is that they are not really real. I don't believe in Friday the 13Th, bad luck for 7 yrs. if i break a mirror, good luck, health and wealth if I eat black eyed pea's and cabbage on New Years, or any other superstition. I have herd of many things about ghost and spirits and things that happened that does question my mind and it does make me wonder but ever time the front door squeaked when it was left cracked and the screen door isn't closed all the way most would first things oh my! its a ghost or something and I just don't really believe in that I usually just say its the wind and close it but who really knows? If I were to break a mirror or if I don't eat those foods on New Years and etc. I really don't think that I'm going to have any bad luck at all, for some reason I just cant believe that these things are true. I think that its all in peoples minds and that they believe in superstitions so strongly that these thing happen to them. Superstitions is a very difficult topic and I haven't never herd of any real evidence that they are true and just the fact that it does creep me out I just choose not to believe in them and get my self all worked up over such things like if I break a mirror everything happens for a reason and I really doubt it's going to bring me bad luck but then again who really knows?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I really hope that we get snow on Thursday. I want enough snow so that we don't have to come to school at all on Thursday or on Friday but return on Monday. I only hope that we get the snow because we really haven't had much snow all year....well not enough to cover the ground anyways and I think that it would be tons of fun to play in and get out of school for a day or two but I sure would hate it if we were to graduate late. Last year we had to go to school for like over a week later than we originally planned and I absolutely hated it! Winter is just no fun without snow, honestly i could live without winter just keep Christmas but not winter because i hate the cold if there isn't going to be any snow at all whats the point! I love to have snow to an extent just not tons and tons of it! So hopefully my wish will come true and we will get some snow this week!!!!