Thursday, January 21, 2010

History of Family and Friends!!!

It's very important to know your family's past history. I believe almost every family has some sort of problems in their house hold, whether its health, divorce, abuse and ect. We've all faced hard times but I always thought that my granny and all her sisters and brothers were just so perfect and had a wonderful life until my mom told me what they went through growing up and some of the things that they have faced as they got older. My family is fortunate to all be healthy but my parents are divorced for not so good reasons, my brother had a serious head injury his 3rd or 4th grade yr, my biological father I have never met and maybe that gets half of it. Although these struggles seem harsh I've made it through each and every one of them my step dad has been my dad since i was three and absolutely the greatest, my brother was okay, and my parents are learning to be friends after two years of divorce. The point is that I have learned from all the things I have been through that I hope not to face when I get older. My granny's history...with eight brothers and sisters, It went on and on It was interesting to hear though they are all great people and I love them all but man they have really been through some tough stuff and a few of them have made some major mistakes that I would have never dreamed of but I learn from it all!!!! My mom also told me a little about her life when she and my uncle were growing up and It was really a story that Id never herd before and I never thought would be true. You just have to realize as a young adult that when times get hard to learn from all you go through for your future. My Aunt faces some of the same struggles my mom went through. My Aunts only 21 and has a baby and she struggles with how is she going to go to college, afford bills, work, and stuff. I tell her over and over that if she doesn't fix things now that thing will be harder and that she should have learned from my mom but It's hard when your in the position as she says! Now as for friend history I have seen so many kids being sent to a different school or suspended for things that are so dumb and for things that they really shouldn't be doing, its all about who you hang around with and how easy you are influenced.  So hopefully with the help of knowing all the family and friends history and what all they have been through I can steer myself clear from those kinds of situations and make things a little more easier on myself! 

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