Thursday, January 21, 2010

Life Just Is'nt Fair but I was Lucky!

This morning I woke up and hour early to go work out at Atlantis as I was on my way home to get a shower at about 7a.m it was raining. I had just gotten my car fixed, the back door on my passenger side had been backed into about six months ago which cost me about $250 and it had now been fixed for about three months so I always try to be as careful as I can on the road. I was going through the intersection with the green light on Carter and the car coming from the other direction decided they could zip right through and turn on to Tamarack so I immediately slammed on my breaks and held down the horn! Then speed limit on Carter is 45 so i was going about 42 a little slower than 45 because it was slightly raining. As i was hit it sounded like a mirror was breaking and I stopped to thank god that I was okay and the other driver nor the other driver was hurt. Then I looked back at the car and noticed it was not turning around or stopping at all, because of traffic I had to pull around to the Shell Station and the car was gone. I was unable to get a license number or remember anything at all except that the car was small and a hunter green color. I had to call and report a hit and run! There was nothing they could do except be on the look out and now i had no headlight wires hanging out of the front of my car and somehow those wires connect to my tail lights which were now out on the right side. So I was very fortunate to be okay and so was the other driver and I was most very lucky because someone could have been truly hurt! But on the other hand it's just not fair that there is nothing they could do no camera could see the luck finding a car after they searched all this only meant that I was out more money and that for now on I'm not only careful on the road I learned to pay more attention to the other driver as well! Life isn't fair but I was lucky!!!  

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