Monday, December 14, 2009


This year is the first time I have ever blogged before and at first i thought it was going to be lots of hard work and just annoying but really when you get to write about things in your life or things your interested in its really not all that bad! I actually enjoy blogging I'm sure if I continued to blog for another couple of years it would be very neat to go back and see what I said about thing and to see how much I have changed over the years. Blogging really should be required throughout all of Elementary, middle, and high school. It would be really cool to go back and see what all I said about things in the past and its also an easy way to access them all at once. I was required to do portfolios in the past but those were not monthly and not every year and they also were not always what I wanted to write about either. If blogging were required not only would it show us how much our thoughts and beliefs about things have changed but it would also be very memorable to see what we said in the past and see how our writing has also changed over the years! I really like to blog!

Pictures :)

One of my favorite hobbies is taking pictures. Pictures can last a lifetime and they can show many long memories of amazing times. I love taking pictures at family events or whenever me and my friends get together to do things. I usually just put my pictures in a album and label what each albums pictures are of. I wish I could have the patience to scrap book because I think that kind of thing is very special and very neat. I'm not really all that creative and I just stay way to busy to have the patience and time to scrap book, with me being so busy I'd never get finished. I still continue to take pictures though because even though I don't scrap book I still think that they are very special. I love taking silly pictures with my granny especially because they are really funny memories every time I get them out and I show them to her we always laugh. I also just love to take lots of pictures with family in general! One other thing that I enjoy taking pictures of is the outdoors! When the Ice storm hit last year you better believe i got lots of pictures. Outdoor disasters are things that will probably never happen again the way they do the first time such as the Ice Storm and all the fun me and my boyfriend and my little brother had playing in it! I also have taking pictures when we've gotten lots of snow, or really bad storms with damage! Pictures are just great and I think that everyone should make sure that they take plenty of pictures throughout each year of their lifetime.

Schedule Change!!!

Next semester I'm looking forward to the new schedule that I'm getting. I'm taking college algebra and English 102 and the only way I could take college algebra was in the morning, so I will have my college classes in the morning and I will be at Apollo at 11:30 for the last two classes instead of having three classes in the morning at Apollo and college in the afternoon. I'm excited because I love change in my schedule and I get to keep all my same teachers for my required subjects at Apollo, they are just going to be different periods of the day. Now this means I will have a little more time to sleep because my college classes will not start until 9 and 9:30 which gives me close to an extra hr. Now any time I am scheduled on a Friday to work at 2 they have been very understanding because of the fact that I am going to school they are going to let me come in a little late, around 345 because now with those college classes in the morning I will be at Apollo till 3:15 instead of 1:39. I really do love change I guess because I get tired of doing the same things day after day. After awhile it gets very boring and it will feel good to get into a new routine, so I believe everything is going to work out and for the best!


I'm almost eighteen, my birthday is two days after Christmas! My senior yr. is halfway over and the next half is going to fly by! This yr. I feel like i have gotten a whole lot smarter and prepared for my future already! Maybe its just because I'm getting older and i realize the importance of my future and i can honestly say I've tried a lot harder this year then all the years in the past. I also finished my first two college classes with high B's and like just a few points away from A's but i was still satisfied because I was worth it and much harder than my classes in high school just because i wasn't used to having to study the way i had to for these classes. This year i also feel like i have my priorities straight, on the week nights i tend to study and make sure my homework is finished instead of going to my friends or doing things that waste my time, and on the weekend I work hard and i still make sure that i get my homework or any studying i need to do done instead of just forgetting about it and going to bed! So senior year is almost over and i can truly say that i actually feel like i have gotten much more smarter in many way, such as more knowledgeable and making good choices!


If I could change one thing about the way most cars work it would be to.... lock and unlock them all with touch pads of a finger print or a code and I know that some are like this but not all!! Including my car last week was very stressful getting ready for finals this week and college finals were also last week. Plus i had some make up work from being out of school and with all the stress i tend to get into a hurry and I happened to lock my keys in my car from getting in a big hurry twice in a week and three days! It just seems to me that things would be a lot easier to operated if we could unlock and lock our cars with some sort of a touch pad! So for the future I will be sure my next car has a touch pad to unlock my car whenever this happens and until then I'm going to have to give every effort to just be as organized and stress free as I can be and take everything as it comes hopefully it doesn't happen again!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Wishes!!!

This year everyone has been asking what I want for Christmas and i just cant think of anything that I really need and that I really want I just dont know! I'm an easy person to please and everyone knows that in my family I'm always happy to get whatever I get. As long as I get to spend time with family and everyone else is happy that is really all that matters to me! There has been years that I have asked for specific gifts and I usually get them but sometime i just like to just see what i get instead of telling people what I would like. Christmas isn't just about gifts and sometimes I think that it might be a little more meaningful of the birth of Jesus if our family didn't do gifts until the kids in the family were all old enough to understand. Anyways I don't have any specific wishes this year for Christmas just that everyone has a good day and everyone stays safe and happy!!! I'm looking forward to the day Christmas is my favorite holiday :)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Leg Surgery!!! 11-23-09

Okay so I have not had allot of surgery's just tubes in my ears when I was very young, and like an ingrown toenail removed...yeah I know discussing, but last Monday I had a surgery that my mother had just a few months earlier on my leg to remove a few varicose veins. It runs in the family, my moms dad had them and my uncle and my mom and so on...they think I may have gotten them at a really young age because of all the pouncing I did when i tumbled allot in cheer leading but I'm very fortunate that we were able to get them removed. They never really bothered me or hurt but they say that whenever you get older they can and they can also cause blood clots and a few other health issues so I was very fortunate to get them removed. I was pretty nervous going into surgery it took them about and hr. and a half and i was in recovery for about another two hours and I asked a ton of questions before they put me asleep. I like to know exactly what they are going to do to me and I also think its very unprofessional if they don't tell me who everyone is. When I was just on the surgery table right before i was put under there were like six people in there and I asked the doctor who are all these people and he told me they were like surgery techs. and ect. but I told him I just have to know because I get really nervous. Anyways everything turned out good and I'm healing well and I'm very blessed!!! 

Decorating the Christmas tree!!

Every year my most favorite part about Christmas is decorating the Christmas tree with my brother and my mom we usually all three do it together, that would be the reason I'm up so late is because I just finished helping mom and we had a blast! We made some hot chocolate with marsh mellows, listen to Christmas carols and when we got all done we took some pictures and then said our prayers and my brother went to bed and so did mom. It took us about a good two and a half hours because we took a break here and there to rest but it was really fun I just love trying to get all of the ornaments in the right places and helping mom fan the branches just right! Shopping for all the family is great fun especially when you know you've found just the right gift to make some one happy but it can get a little stressful with not allot of time and long lines everywhere putting up the house decorations outside just isn't my thing either because I cant stand to be so cold for along period of time, I do like to rap presents but its just not as easy and fun as decorating the tree.. therefore decorating the Christmas tree with mom and my little brother is my favorite thing about getting in the Christmas spirit because we get quality time together and its not stressful at all!  


Snow is absolutely great i love to play in the snow because it can be so much fun and i really enjoy it whenever everyone gets together to ride fore wheelers and pull each other on a sled in the sleigh. Sometimes its great to just sit by the window or next to the door with family and drink hot chocolate and just watch the snow fall. If it weren't for snow id really rather just get rid or winter because I'm a big baby about how cold it gets and getting out in it unless of course there is snow on the ground because then I can just have tons of fun! I love Christmas and everything i just don't enjoys freezing every time i go outside and if I have school I'm stuck carrying my coat around all day and thats just annoying. Another thing I love about the snow is whenever its like the third or forth snow mom always lets me and my brother make some snow ice cream we use milk and some vanilla flavoring and a little splenda and its very good i would rather have it than regular ice cream! Well that pretty much sums it up about how i absolutely love the snow and I'm hoping that we get some soon!!! 

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I cant even begin to think about all the things that our veterans have been through just because for some reason its just makes me sad to think that some of the things they've been through has really happened. They must be very brave and have lots of pride for our country. November 11th only comes once a year and we celebrate veterans day which i think is great, it makes me feel good to know that we have a day just to say thanks to all of our veterans. Just imagine, they put their life on the line at one point in time, that is some amazing people!!! and we need to give them thanks and all the respect in the world for what they have done. I consider veterans as hero's because they help save our country and they are brave enough to do all that they do, to me that is a hero when you put your life on the line for someone else! So just remember to say thanks to all of our veterans.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Econ has really been interesting this year and i have learned allot of new stuff maybe that I had an idea about but I really didn't know! Its all about our economy and how things work and the reason why the demand and the supply of things go up and down and all the things that affect it. Econ just has been a new experience because i had never had a class like this before all my other classes are just the usual ones from all the years before so it has been fun having a new class to talk about something different for a change. We also learned about price gouging, like people who tried selling generators for more money during the ice storm and i never knew that that was illegal or that it actually had a name! I was just impressed to learn something that i really was interested in and that had to do with my everyday life besides the normal subjects that i was used to learning. It has been great so far!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I just got a new phone last Christmas and it was touch screen and I really couldn't handle it any more so i just got my new phone and it has a full screen so i can text ways easier! If you think about it, its amazing how far technology has come. To most people today a cell phone is considered a necessity. If it wasnt for computers then id be unable to do more of my school work such as writing papers, blogging, and researching. Technology has also improved within movies for psychology I was required to watch three movies and write a paper and two of them i was unable to find in DVD i could only fine them in VCR and many people today don't even have a VCR everyone now has DVD players therefore i had to pick different movies. The point being is technology has improved so much just in my generation alone and it affects everyone everyday life.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Fall Break!!!

Fall break finally I'm really excited its Friday and the last day of school before fall break! I'm actually not doing anything really exciting but I think I'm just really ready to be able to sleep in and relax. I do think that me and a few of my friends are going to go to the apple fest at Reid's Orchard and go through the maze and do some different activities there and Me and my boyfriend and a few or his friends are planning on going to the haunted houses in Evansville. I'm really excited to go to Reid's Orchard I've never been to the apple fest and I've herd that the maze is alot of fun but I'm not sure because I've never been so I'm really pumped to see how it goes. This fall break I'm going to make it one of my goals to not get up before 8am every morning i really want to relax and i think that might be my favorite part, sleeping in always makes me feel a whole lot better the next day. I'm also going to make sure I clean my room and my car out extremely good and get all my school stuff organized because that always makes me feel like I've got something accomplished. Its amazing how fast the first nine weeks of school has just flown by and I only have 3 nine weeks to go until graduation!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Exersise Feels Great!!!

I believe that exercise is very important just recently me and Michael have gotten a membership to Atlantis and we've been trying to go four days out of the week for at least an hr. each day and its amazing how much better i feel. Exercise really puts me in a better mood and makes me feel awesome. Last Wednesday I went to a Ms. Young's cardio class at Atlantis and I swear I was so sore that it hurt to sit on the toilet and I felt like I could barley walk. I really felt bad there were all these women in there that were all so much old than i was and they were just doing all this stuff and they acted like it was nothing and I thought i was about to die! Anyways after last week I really felt like its important that I get my exercise in at least four days a week I can really tell a huge difference in the way i feel!

Sadie Hawkins :)

Sadie Hawkins was just this past Friday and it was lots of fun! My boyfriend Michael and I went over to one of my friends house and took lots of pictures and hung out for about an hr. and a half and then we went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse with a couple of his friends and their girlfriends and then we just decided to wait around until it was time for the dance instead of going to the game because it was very cold and rainy out and we saw absolutely no point in going and paying money to be cold and wet because I know for sure I would want to be leaving in like the first ten minutes with the weather being so nasty. We had a great time at the dance it was kinda sad thinking that this would be my last Sadie Hawkins but I was glad that I had chosen to go all four yrs. because if I hadn't I would have wish I had. It's all about having a good time and that's what we did even though were not big dancers and we didn't stay long we still had a blast and now I just can wait for prom!!


Halloween i think can be very fun and i love to dress up even though i have gotten a little to old to really dress up i still like seeing all the little kids dressed up in their costumes. This yr i believe Ive got to work the night of Halloween but the week before which is going to be our fall break me and my boyfriend and some of our friends are going to go to the haunted houses in
Evensville its extremely scary but we always have tons of fun and i love going! I actually enjoy it allot more than i always did trick or treating because I'm not a big candy fan anyways. I hope i don't get to scared this yr and i cant wait!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Riding Together!

I agree with Mark Twain there is no better way to figure out if you like someone or hate someone than riding with them on a trip. I have found that when riding with someone of a very long trip you can really get to know someone the type of music they like, what they like to do in the car such as playing cards or just simply sleeping. Sometimes a long trip with someone it could maybe bring out the worst in them if they act very different of boring or it could make you realize how good of a person they are if they are very well mannered and just have a good time and give you some one to talk to and a way of making time pass by quickly. So, there is no better way to get to know someone then taking a long trip with them in the car.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Be Thankful!

We all think we have it so rough because things are never as perfect as they could be but we need to be thankful for the things that we have! This weekend I was at my new job and there was a girl named Meghan training me and it was her last day because she was fixing to move and she was happily married with two sons. Meghan was only in her twenties and going through some financial struggles and she was like man taking a cold shower this morning was no fun with the weather being this cool. I said "a cold shower?" in shock and she explained how her and her husband had to pay like 2 thousand dollars to have the hot water piece replaced and then it was going to be a couple hundred dollars to turn it on and it already had been awhile that they had to wait to get the money to replace it and now she saw no point in turning it on now since they were fixing to move. She told me in order to give her boys a bath she just boiled a big pan of water and luckily it doesn't take much water to clean them because they are young. I just thought gosh all the things that I think in my life are so rough I need to remember to be thankful because someone always has it a little rougher than me. The reason this appealed to me is because last week our shower head broke and we had it replaced only like two days later, but I had to take a bath for two days and i don't really prefer a bath but i was blessed with hot water and it wasn't so bad after hearing her story. It just really made me think, and not only about that i have days where I get up and I feel like I cant find a thing to wear because Ive already wore this shirt and that shirt but yet I have a closet full of clothes and I have to remember to just be glad that I have clothes because not everyone in the world does! We need to be thankful for each and every blessing in life even the things that seem so small to us because someone else might think its a really big gift!

Fall is Here!

Fall is my absolute favorite time of the year. Perfect weather not to hot and not really cold but just a good breeze and the sun shining. I love to watch how the leaves change color and fall to the ground. Fall just seems to be so peaceful and it's nice to just be able to sit outside and enjoy the outdoors without having to sweat to death or freeze you butt off. Some things that i like to do in the fall is going for a walk, riding my bike around our neighborhood, doing my homework outside and believe it or not i actually enjoy raking the leaves because it feels so good outside and its a good way to get a little exercise in for the day. The one thing that i don't like about fall is that it can sometime affect my allergies very bad at the beginning of the season when every thing is changing but other than that i love it and it just doesn't last long enough! It's like we have months of sizzling hot summer and freezing cold winter but the perfect weather, fall just doesn't stay long enough!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Life without potatoes would be absolutely crazy no french fries, no chip, no baked potatoes, and no mashed potatoes. That's not counting all the things we used potatoes for and all the things we cook with potatoes. Although without potatoes it would probably be allot more healthier because potatoes are just starch and to much starchy foods can add on pounds quickly, but i love potatoes and not to mention my mom makes the best mashed potatoes in the world they're like perfect with no little clumps in them or anything they're like perfectly smooth and really buttery and salty and just perfect! I love mashed potato's it probably like my favorite vegetable in the world. I'm not a very big potato chip person the only kind of chips i like are like Doritos or Cheetos but i don't like to eat the chip i just like the cheese on the outside. So, basically life without chips might be a little more healthier for us but it would still be very different and we would be missing out on allot of great foods!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Baby Ella!

My Aunt Miranda is having a Baby Girl! She is due the day before thanksgiving and I'm so excited for her. Her baby shower is this Saturday and I'm in charge of the games I got a word scramble, A big bottle full of mints that someone will guess the amount, and five candy bars that I'm going to melt in different diapers and they will have to guess by smell what candy bar is in which diaper. Me and Miranda are very close shes only four years older than me and we have been close sense we were young, before I had my driver license Miranda drove me everywhere to practice, to school, to work out with me, and to tan. When we were really young me and her dad which is my papa would always go to McDonald's just to get to play in the playhouse. Me and her have had so much fun throughout the years and I'm so excited for her and her fiance's new little girl to arrive!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Closest Woman in My Life Next to My Mother

My granny is a huge part of my life i visit her at least three times a week, if not more! She does tons of things for me and is always offering me help in any way she can. She is like the closest woman to me in my life next to my mother. She not only does tons of things for me but we have lots of fun together. She and I often go out lunch on Sundays after church to our favorite place in the world, Panera Bread. We always get the same thing a sandwich with the amazingly delicious broccoli soup. We both love to work out when we get the time. She has the new ab circle that is so fun, your only supposed to get on it like 5 min. a day and its great! I like to mow the yard for granny shes 60 yrs old and stays busy constantly and so i also try to do as much for her as i can as well. If it wasn't for my granny sometimes i wonder what i would do without her i tell her everything that goes on in my life and any problem that comes my way and of course she always has something inspiring to say. My granny is the best!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


YAY! I can finally say that i don't work in a food service anymore i am so excited because i have worked with a food service for almost three yrs. I spent about a yr and a half at Texas Roadhouse and about a yr and a half at Morrison s a food service for the hospital. I just recently got a new job at the Carmel Home working as a nursing assistant and I'm pumped! I'm only going to be working every other Friday night and every Saturday and Sunday mornings making better pay and a lot more days off because now i will always be off Mon-Thur. and i will be able to take time out to do things for myself and hang out with the family more and most of all ill have a lot more time to focus on school work! I'm so excited i don't look down on food services at all i believe if you have a job and you work that's great but it just wasn't the thing for me and it had just gotten very old! So I'm really excited to see how it goes I'm off the next three days and i start work on Sat. wish me luck!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Its my favorite season although my favorite holiday is Christmas. Anyways i wish it was still summer i hate staying up late to get organized and do my homework it defiantly stinks! but i know hard work will pay off in the end so i just try to look at the positive side whenever i don't get as much sleep as id like i know that the next day i will have no stress of not having my room and things organized and i know that my homework is done. The things that i miss most about summer are time to myself and time to hang out with my friends and most of all sleeping in, i love it! Its nice to just wake up and know that you don't go to work till four and you have all day to lay out and just relax and hangout with friends and family and have tons of fun. I left out one thing the SUN. Sunny days make my day i hate the rain its depressing and it makes me nervous when theres a storm but whenever the sun shines i absolutely love it. Its like everything's off to a great start when the sun is shining. They always say when your having fun it goes by fast and that's exactly how summer happens extremely fast! Another thing that i love about summer is county softball Ive played for Sorgho for almost my entire life and its great lots of fun and not to competitive just all about having a good time. If only summer were like half a year long! Gosh I miss it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Growing up can be tough!!!

This past yr mom and dad have been there for anything i need but they like me to do as much as i can on my own and i respect them for it because it has taught be a lot, although it has been a chore. This summer i paid to take a CNA class which was 375 dollars and it wasn't all that bad except i gave up my Monday and Wednesday mornings to be at class from 8 to 330 and i did a greatest job and past my state test. Paying my own money for it gave me no choice, i gave up my money i made sure i did my very best at all times! When its your money being spent things are allot different and i seem to be more successful when its mine. I had to pay for my own gas and any extra things that i wanted i also payed 75 dollars to get my passenger window fixed because boy was it hot without it working and no air conditioner now I'm more cautious when people play with the window controls and whenever it came time for mom to take me school shopping I thought more about buying the American eagle jeans instead of the abercrombie because they're just the same your only paying for the logo and it makes no sense i found out after buying things for my self for a little while. I also started doing my own laundry at times because sometimes mom doesn't have the chance to wash the clothes just because you want to wear a certain shirt one night and i had to hang them to dry and put them away now i see why mom says put your dirty clothes in the hamper don't let them sit on your floor till the end of the week because she gets a million loads at once, that has to be stressful. The point being doing things myself and paying for allot of my own things has taught me allot and made me mature a ton!



Thursday, August 27, 2009


My family is very important to me my parents just recently divorced so sometimes it can be hard to get to spend time with dad and mom. I'm much closer with mom but i live with my dad because mom works at night but that has given me more time to grow closer with dad and spend even more time with my brother who is in the eighth grade and growing up quickly and I'm glad i get to be there with him. Me and mom still get to hang out together on the weekends often we go to lunch and shopping and every now in then i stay the night with her during the week if i don't have to much homework and i don't mind staying up a little longer till she gets off anyways the point being is my family is great and i love them all and times can be tough but im thankful that were all still here and we do still get to see each other even though were not all under the same roof anymore. My family is everything to me :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

School and Work

School and work are a huge part of my life, its where i spend most of my time. I learn to enjoy it and try my best to just have a good time because why would you want to spend a majority of your time miserable. Even though it brings lots of stress I know all the hard work will pay off and everything will be great in the end!